Monday, March 14, 2011

Well, This Certainly Was an Unusual One!

What a mixed weekend! Bit like the girl with the curl... You know the one:

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very, very good
But when she was bad,
She was HORRID!

The good bits were incredible:

Friday night birthday dinner for a lovely new friend (and with some old ones). Great food, great company, lots of laughter (and yes Rose, I was a wild one in my youth now I think about it). It was especially good because up until about 2 hours prior to the reservation I did not think I could swing it. But thanks to my wonderful Big Boy, and two very well behaved little-ish boys (+ their two really cool mates), make it I did! Excellent night!

Saturday Nuffnang Bloggers meet. Well, what can one say about perfection? Seriously wonderful day, company unsurpassed, fantastic to meet bloggers I have only gotten to know on the web, and great to make some new discoveries to follow. Must admit the highlight (besides meeting the glorious Melissa in all her flamboyant glory) was enjoying the company of a young man named Tornado. He won my heart with very little effort.

The pictures tell the story (none of my little friend - I'll leave that to his Mum), and I've not added all as many who attended will add their's...

Kookaburra Cafe, Paddington 12.3.2011

Me 'n Melissa (Suger Coat It)

No wine involved, but the vaseline on the lens helped!

Here's trouble! Tracy (Our Life in Blog Form), cjtato (Not Tonight Dear) and Madmother.

And on Sunday we again headed off to the big smoke for a visit to the Qld Museum at Southbank. It was a good day until one experience soured it a little, but more on that in the BAD. Which has a good side too.

Which I may as well jump into now...

Friday started the negative. Harsh written words finally drove me away from a parenting website I have been a member of for five years. It is a place that has saved my sanity more than once, and where I have made some wonderful cyber and irl friends. I won't rehash too much, see my previous posts and you'll get the jist.

Saturday was good, with a little residual regret about the loss, and some major LOUDNESS at the lunch (yes, by me - I am loud but do tend to get more so when nervous).

Sunday. Well Sunday was the day of holy crap! Before we left I had an incident with a stray kitten. The little thing was out in the rain in our rainforest, I managed to coax the timid scrap to me, Big Boy went back inside to get food and a cat cage. Cat saw either Big Boy or cage as extremely distressing and so renovated my hands and wrists with a fair amount of savagery. More upsetting was the fact this little thing took off like a rocket and is still out there alone in the rain.

So we are late heading off. Go to Museum. When boys and father wander downstairs to interactive science section (where we have been many times before) I decide to hit the markets and join up with them later.

Spend my time giggling away at a badges stall, bought many for my boys (and one for me: Don't drink Drive, it is a laundry detergent), headed back to meet my men.

Walk up, Boy 1 looking distressed. Quickly becomes clear why.

They were going to call and meet me after indulging their geek side. Phone rings, am 5 metres from them go to meet up.  This is what I was then told.
Coming down lift after going across overpass to bypass traffic, 2 young asian girls were in lift with them. Doors open, they all get out. Guy (and 2 others) in beaten up old flatback ute screeches over up kerb, driver jumps out stoned out of his gourd, grabs one of the girls starts screaming "What the fuck were you looking at" with lots of racist terms. Big Boy immediately yells "Let her go. Leave her alone." Guy lets go of girl, grabs Big Boy by the shirt starts screaming "I'm going to fucking bash your head, you are dead c*nt". By this time Boy 2 has run off to hide behind building, Boy 1 is telling the guy to let go of his father, Big Boy is telling the guy to let him go or else he won't be responsible for his actions, security guard comes around corner as guy runs off, thumps another car bashing it in as he passes, jumps back in driver side, screeches off. The girl had run off as soon as he let her go. Police were rung but security guard only saw guy run off, we decided not to go any further.
But my darling oldest boy kept his head and got the number plate and make of car! God I love that boy, told him (as he sobbed in my arms - he held it together until he saw Mum), he is just like his Mum, keeps it together when the crisis is happening, falls apart afterwards.
You can imagine how both my children feel, though I told them their Dad is a hero so they should be proud. Boy 1 is now asleep in my bed after a nightmare at 4am (which is why I am awake).

What a day.

But the good did outweigh the bad.

Can't say my life is boring!


Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit said...

That BAD incident sounded downright scary. OMG. You've got a son with a good head!

Kellyansapansa said...

Wow, what an eventful weekend. Hope the boys have recovered from the horribleness and are focusing on the good. xx

Maxabella said...

Whoa, what a fright! He really is a hero.

And happy to see some pics from the meet-up. You Brissy gals have all the fun (along with the Melbournites... we Sydney people are so... ?)

And hysterics: Don't drink Drive, it is a laundry detergent...


Anonymous said...

urks. that would have spoilt my sunday excursion a little bit too - good on the BigBoy to step right in!
Thanks for passing by my blog, it was really fun and I think because everybody was just relaxed about it, it went so well with Tornado too :)
Again : cudos for supplying a bandaid for the tiny tiny 'bleed!' and a for taking his looong SuperMario stories so seriously, lol :D

Melissa {Suger} said...

I'm so glad we were able to make the highlights reel. The lowlights sound like they SUCK. Sigh.

I really enjoyed meeting you, properly. You were a major highlight for me. Thanks for the nudge to get on to organising it.

Flamboyant? Me!? Neeever.

Kylie said...

I'm going to miss you on 'that' site. Very sorry to see you step back but I understand too - the masses of stupidity and ignorance just keep coming over there it seems some days.

As for your boys - amazing! I'm sure you are so very proud :)

Tracy said...

Woah, that sounds awful. Good on the Big Boy for standing up and how awesome is your boy under pressure remembering those details! It's just terrible that this kind of thing can happen in our city. I'm happy to have contributed in some way to the good part of the weekend though! So great to have met you, hope we get to catch up again soon!

The barefoot lifting witch said...

What a fright!!
Life is good, when the good outweighs the bad.
Loved the pics! Hope we can meet one day too xx