Sunday, May 2, 2010

Holy Reviews Batman!

Right now I am very happy to have had two c-sections to birth my boys as I am jigging and dancing in over-excitement.


Never before in the annals of Madmother blogdom has such an event occurred. I mean yes, some lovely bloggers have honoured me with many wonderful awards (always a humbling experience, especially as these bloggers are a bunch of truly talented people), and no, I do not blog for the accolades, but hellfire and puppy poop, it is a pretty awesome experience to read a positive evaluation of yourself on an acknowledged, well-known review blog.

Wait, I just have to sit down quietly for a moment, feeling a little overwhelmed and faint...

But you can look at my pretty coins whilst you wait...

Okay. Hyperventilating under control (gotta love those brown paper bags), I'm back. Did you like my pretty coins? Yes, I was awarded (drum roll)

The highest honour Argentum Vulgaris bestows. Look carefully peoples - it is not often you see the jaw-flapping Madmother jaw-dropping.

So, now you all need to head over to the Blogger's Cafe and have a look. Read the reviews, find some new blogs to follow. There are some incredible photos as well as the brilliant reviews of many, many blogs.

I think I might just sit here quietly for a while, basking in my glory. Oh, does it matter if I am still in my jammies?


Anonymous said...

A pleasure Madmother, and thank you so much for this write-up. I nearly fell of MY seat, not hyperventilating, Meow Meow wanted petting and I had to reach out, lazy cat wouldn't come close enough. I came back to follow, because I forgot this morning, but the deed is done. Bask away...


Ro said...

Well deserved, MM, congrats :)

Wanderlust said...

Yay Madmother, you deserve every ounce of that gold!

Unknown said...

Woohoo, indeed!!!

Hey madmother, that was great. Congratulations!

Christie said...


Rathi said...

Whoo hoo..... Congratulations....

Anonymous said...

Fantastic work and well deserved. Enjoy the adulation :)

Thea said...

That is so exciting!!!
Yay you! :)