3 am mornings are not my idea of getting a head start on the day. Think the world would miss me if I closed the door and slept the day away? Oh crap, you mean they ain't old enough yet to drive themselves to school? Damn. Forgot about that...
3am bites! Only time I've ever been up at 3am is if I haven't gone to sleep yet and am inebrietated or if I'm zombie walking my way to the dunny for a mid-night piss.
I am a Madmother of two wonderful boys, wife to an amazing and tolerant man, daughter to an incredible woman whom we lost Oct 2010.
I have 4 blogs. Meandering is rambling, general, whatever takes my fancy stuff. Woven Words is for my short stories and creative writing, Nimbobulan Dreamings is my kids story. And my latest is Hellion on Wheels: my Roller Derby journey. Feel free to look at or follow all 4 if you wish.
Do note, however, all blogs are copyright of the author. They are not to be copied or printed and distributed without written permission from Madmother.
3am bites! Only time I've ever been up at 3am is if I haven't gone to sleep yet and am inebrietated or if I'm zombie walking my way to the dunny for a mid-night piss.
Oh man, I thought getting up at 5:00am every day was a bitch!
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