Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekend Grateful: You Gotta Have Friends...

Cyber friends  Best Friends  Good Friends  Old Friends  New Friends 

Friendship  - throw yourself into the middle of the social pond
and watch the ripple of friendship widen and widen and widen...

After a little break I am joining back in to Maxabella's Weekend Grateful Blog Hop once more. Today I bring in the big guns. Friends. What would the world be like without your BFF'S? Or any of your friends? What would our childrens' lives be like without their mates? Seriously, true love and soul mates are a wonderful thing, but who is it you turn to when the dream lover pisses you off? You got it - your friends!

Veronica started me thinking on this earlier in the week when she posted about how important finding a friend is for our special kids. It made me think of Boy 1 and his best mate C. It brought the up my fears for Boy 2 and his social issues and lack of confidence in friendship.

It made me think of my friends and realise how much each and every one of them means to me. I cooked a birthday dinner for one of my nearest and dearest last night. She was my first friend I ever made on this mountain over a decade ago, and still one of my closest. We have been through a lot together - and that is the operative word,TOGETHER. She is someone I know I could always count on, who loves me warts and all. As I do her. I mean, let's face it - I rarely cook and for her I cooked for over 3 hours to give her an Italian feast. That says a lot!

We'd be here all day if I were to individually mention each and everyone of those I adore, and I must admit, rely on. They are my lifeblood. I could not survive without them. I am a social creature by nature and tend to go into withdrawals if I don't catch up with at least some of the beautiful people of my world on a regular basis.

So to all of my wonderful friends - know I am grateful every day for your presence in my life. We may not talk everyday, we may not see each other for months, even years. We may not have even met face to face. But true friendship is not made up of keeping tabs or a tally. True friendship is not about scores or one upmanship (is that a word?), it is about being there when needed, laughter, tears, support and fun.

I think I need to start up my friendship posts once more... If you want to know more about some of my wonderful friends see these: Feeling Mellow Posts. What about you - are you more of a solitary creature or are you like me?


♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

Beautiful post about friends.
I hope your little guy finds himself a best bud to share some golden moments too.
Friends are GOLDEN.
I hope when I move I find some new real life friends but I'm so glad for my online ones.

E. said...

A great post.

I worry about Boy Child and friendship often. Because Boy 1 has such a great relationship with C it gives me hope.

I'm not really a social person. That said I try to catch up with at least a friend a week for a coffee date. I have 2 regular coffee dates and am getting a another one as well. Maybe I'm more social than I think. LOL.

Anonymous said...

"People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but never forget how you make them feel."

You always make me feel special and for this I'm grateful. Thankyou. Cathy

Maxabella said...

Aw, now I just wanna go and ring my besties!! x

thatblogyoudo said...

I was grateful for friends this week too :-)

Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit said...

I have a bunch of soul sisters. We have grown up together. Know absolutely everything about each other .. the good, the bad and the downright ugly. And we're still there. My friends all live a long way away. One in the USA, others dotted around Australia. But nothing changes. We are connected. Am enjoying making new friends whom I can relate to over cyberspace too ....
Looking forward to our cuppa MM.

The barefoot lifting witch said...

Beautiful post and so true. Friends are the sometimes the family that we wish we had.
I always love coming over for a visit x

Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo said...

This post has made me think.

I have withdrawn from all of my friends. Not returning calls. Hiding away whilst I lick my wounds, only popping out from under my blanket to chat with my internet friends where I can come and go with no question.

My real life friends don't deserve that treatment.

Tomorrow I will call.

Thankyou sweetie.

Jen said...

The regular catch ups with my friends is what I miss the most now that I am workgintg three days. Desperately miss! That is why I love holidays so much. They allow me a whole day to catch up or two or three with them :) . Friends are so important, I am so glad I have blogging and made such awesome friends that way, I shudder to think how alone I would feel without it.