A very quick one as it is a glorious day and we are off on an adventure!
I am debating whether to swap to a domain name, ie a .com instead of blogspot.com, but am wondering how to manage all four blogs. I guess you can create separate pages in the domain to host each one? But how is it transferred over?
And since Lori mentioned it, do you keep your comments upon changeover?
Oh, and what is going on with Blog This? If you say you are going to announce the winners of a challenge then please do it! Four days later, new challenge started and no winners from the last one? Always seems to happen when I'm in the top few. Starting to feel like a tall poppy, and remembering why I stopped entering. Challenges are meant to make you feel good, not bad.
My daughter has just moved her blog to .com and seems that the comments and followers have moved with her. Not sure how you managed 4 blogs, but I know with our providers I can have up to 3 web sites, so maybe it is the same thing? I have given up with Blog This for a while as I don't seem to have the time. I never got the Blog This Challenge Winner button either when I won. Have a great day out. Beautiful over here today too. Sunny and 29. xxx
It turned out OK MM... my comments came over a few hours after I swapped ;)
Don't even start me on Blog this. I finally won a challenge, they didn't announce the winner for a week, the tacked the announcement on the end of someone else's and got the name of my blog wrong. And they still haven't gotten back to me about a winner's tile. Don't know why I bother.
Was commenting to add my whinge too. I finally won and I think the announcement was in the Lori's one... was it Lori? And i don't have a tile. Was i supposed to get one?
And once I was first when voting closed and the poll was left open and I missed out. Was disappointed and didn't play for a while after that.
Phew. Feel better now. Loved visiting once again MM.
Dunno about the tiles, do they even still do them? I have emailed them...
They announced mine with the comp for the week after, then posted straight over the top of it with a new challenge (maybe because someone had an exciting story to spill? Maybe). Ok, I'm gonna just stop whinging now and remove their link from my blog. Maybe.
I think they do still do them, but only for the "in" crowd.
It seems when some when it is "hoorah" hoopla, but for others it is *meh*.
If you are going to run something like this then do it professionally, even if it is run by volunteers. JMHO.
Thanks kakka. I have a few I need to acknowledge and accept... *blush*. See, this is why I would never run such a group - I'm too slack-arsed about things.
Glad to know it is not my paranoia, and others feel the same.
I work for a tech company and would be happy to help if you need it MadMother. "Tis easy peasy, and you can have all under the 1 domain very simply, and yes you can migrate the whole kit and caboodle (or not, if you so desire)
I am a Madmother of two wonderful boys, wife to an amazing and tolerant man, daughter to an incredible woman whom we lost Oct 2010.
I have 4 blogs. Meandering is rambling, general, whatever takes my fancy stuff. Woven Words is for my short stories and creative writing, Nimbobulan Dreamings is my kids story. And my latest is Hellion on Wheels: my Roller Derby journey. Feel free to look at or follow all 4 if you wish.
Do note, however, all blogs are copyright of the author. They are not to be copied or printed and distributed without written permission from Madmother.
You're cute when you're snarky.
Am worried about the comments too. Meaning to ask Brenda, since she recently made the switch.
My daughter has just moved her blog to .com and seems that the comments and followers have moved with her. Not sure how you managed 4 blogs, but I know with our providers I can have up to 3 web sites, so maybe it is the same thing? I have given up with Blog This for a while as I don't seem to have the time. I never got the Blog This Challenge Winner button either when I won. Have a great day out. Beautiful over here today too. Sunny and 29. xxx
Hi there lovely lady - I have left something for you here.
I agree, like you when you're snarky.
It turned out OK MM... my comments came over a few hours after I swapped ;)
Don't even start me on Blog this. I finally won a challenge, they didn't announce the winner for a week, the tacked the announcement on the end of someone else's and got the name of my blog wrong. And they still haven't gotten back to me about a winner's tile. Don't know why I bother.
Was commenting to add my whinge too. I finally won and I think the announcement was in the Lori's one... was it Lori? And i don't have a tile. Was i supposed to get one?
And once I was first when voting closed and the poll was left open and I missed out. Was disappointed and didn't play for a while after that.
Phew. Feel better now. Loved visiting once again MM.
Dunno about the tiles, do they even still do them? I have emailed them...
They announced mine with the comp for the week after, then posted straight over the top of it with a new challenge (maybe because someone had an exciting story to spill? Maybe). Ok, I'm gonna just stop whinging now and remove their link from my blog. Maybe.
I think they do still do them, but only for the "in" crowd.
It seems when some when it is "hoorah" hoopla, but for others it is *meh*.
If you are going to run something like this then do it professionally, even if it is run by volunteers. JMHO.
Thanks kakka. I have a few I need to acknowledge and accept... *blush*. See, this is why I would never run such a group - I'm too slack-arsed about things.
Glad to know it is not my paranoia, and others feel the same.
I work for a tech company and would be happy to help if you need it MadMother. "Tis easy peasy, and you can have all under the 1 domain very simply, and yes you can migrate the whole kit and caboodle (or not, if you so desire)
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