Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Do you Google

yourself? You know, check your name to see if anything delicious, tantalising or just downright naughty has been posted about you or someone with the same name? I do. Just for laughs.

Imagine my surprise when I stumbled across a mention of a piece I wrote and some very complimentary praise in a blog by an American author and father of a child with ASD. Aww shucks, and here I thought I was wallowing in a bay of anonimity and futility. Just a shame I cannot link it as it has my real name on it, and at the moment I need this blog to remain reasonably hidden.

But - me haz fan!


E. said...

Madmother - you have lots of fans!

PinkPatentMaryJanes said...

Yay you!

Vicki said...

Ok, I googled myself and found I have an alter-ego in the UK. She is 18, pretty, thin and has more friends on FaceBook than I do. Cow!

Kellyansapansa said...

That's awesome - how nice to get some external validation, although you should already know how fabulous you are!

PS - yes, I am certainly guilty of Googling myself. I keep hoping that I will find I have done something scintillating or scandalous, but no luck yet.

Kylez..aka...Mrs.P! said...

That's fantastic! Congrats!
I will admit to googling myself from time to time, sadly nothing as exciting as that comes up for me though. One day...